无线蓝牙手表Wireless Bluetooth watches
蓝牙音箱Bluetooth Speakers
蓝牙耳机Bluetooth Headphones
蓝牙话筒Bluetooth Microphone
无线音乐播放器Wireless music players
无线路由器Wireless Router
移动电话Mobile Phones
无线鼠标和键盘Wireless Mouse and Keypads
无线遥控器Wireless remotes
无线热水器Wireless Water Heaters
带有无线功能的家用电器Wireless Home Appliances
无线车载收音机Wireless Car Radio
射频识别(RFID)标签和阅读器Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags and Readers
用于病人侧写笔记本电脑的无线医疗产品Wireless Medical products used for patient profiling Laptops
遥控钥匙进入Remote key for entry
以及任何其他射频模块and any other radio frequency modules